Unité d‘Habitation - Photography as Scientific Argument
RWTH Aachen University, Department of Architectural Theory, Cultural and Historical Basis III,
BSc in Architecture 2022/2023
BSc in Architecture 2022/2023
In this seminar, we examined how architectural photography impacted Le Corbusier's buildings and ideas. The goal of the course was to analyze the legacy of the “Unite d’Habitation” photographs, recognising common themes and patterns, and gaining a better understanding of architectural photography within a specific building type. The seminar involved lectures, photographic experiments, and written reflections.
Student work from top left to bottom right:
1. Analysis by G. Triantafyllidis, V. Trinh, E. Bardenz, M. Grüsgen
2. Photo Series by M. Sommer and F. Ducottered
3. Photo Series by Ö. Şahintürk
4. Photo Series by M. Grüsgen and E. Bardenz